This is a sponsored post. All opinions are mine.
It’s that time again! We are just a week or so away from heading back to school for the first time after a long summer. As everyone easies back into more normal routines Walmart is there to make these transitions as smooth as possible!

As you know Walmart can be your once stop shop for school supplies, lunch goodies and even outfits and shoes for each child as they go back to school. Being the mom of a preteen and teens I head to Walmart for so many of our items because it’s convenient and affordable. Having multiple kids in different grades, supplies and other items can add up quickly! Walmart has an entire landing page that has everything organized just for your back to school needs.
Not only do I save on supplies but clothes as well!
When it comes to teens it’s all about brands and luckily we can find some our favorite brands like Champion, Reebok and even Justice all at Walmart.
I know so many of us moms freaked out when the famous Justice brand vanished! But now you can find the preteen friendly brand right on! Yesss!
I love Justice so much because it’s not too babyish, but not too grown up.
It’s a perfect combonation of youthful and fun!
Check out some favs that Livy picked out for her potential first day of school outfit! The first collage you can see she stuck with a theme. Black and red. Her favorite piece out of them all? The red plaid skirt for only $14!
For these selections the yellow romper is perfect for those days that are still warm while the swirl blush and cream pullover is great for chilly classrooms.
Which one do you love the most? Shop even more looks and items directly from my liketoknowit page. Here you can shop Just Destiny favorites all year long!