Did you know my boys are 12 months apart? Yeah. Do the math. That’s three months postpartum and BAM! Baby time. 

It’s birthday season around here so I’m getting all sentimental. 

I don’t remember much about giving birth to these two. I always refer to Reggie for the details. 

“Hey babe, what time was Kel born?”

” 8 o’clock babe”

” Oh, yeah. How many epidurals did I need again? I know one of them didn’t work right?

” Yeah, you needed three, you were such a gangsta!” 

That’s usually how it goes. haha. 

Dad and his boys

Mom of Boys

All I remember are snippets. I remember the hospital trip. I remember walking around the day before Superbowl Sunday and thinking, this baby is coming. I remember one of the births lasting allllllllllll day. The other one, I think he just fell out. haha. I remember they were perfect. Absolutely perfect little humans with a ton of hair. I remember being somewhat out of it each time. I don’t think I smiled but I remember trying. But I remember being happy.

I remember trying to hold my oldest but never getting comfortable because his little brother was not leaving my side. I remember nursing one while chasing the other across the room. I remember a lot of tears from me and them..haha. But I also remember that time being so sweet and in some overwhelmed, I can’t do this, crazy tired mommy loving way, being thankful for every minute. Boys

During that time I also remember thinking I just might be a mom of boys and I was ok with that. I was really good at being the queen…lol. Of course our little girl came along and I had to somewhat share my title :0) But having boys for the first few years of my mommy hood was really wonderful.

I look at them now  8 and 9 years old and think, I can’t believe we are so far away from the moments in those first few years. The years I NEVER thought would pass. 

My boys in Puerto Rico

They are growing up to be little men. I look at them and pray I get it right. WE get it right. I ask God to make it clear. Let me know who you want these boys to be. How will they live for you? I want so badly to make sure they know how special they are. How ” fearfully and wonderfully” made they are. How they were put on this earth for a reason and hold some very special talents that only they can tap into. But like any other mother I want to be apart of that journey. I want to help and prepare them to go out into the world with the full amour of God and the confidence, knowing they can.do.it. No matter what IT is. 

Boys Field Day

Christmas Pajamas

I miss my babies friends. But I can still see them. I hope I always will even as the grow. I’m so thankful to be a mom of boys. 

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  1. This was so dang sweet, you got me all teary eyed. Our oldest of three is a boy and he just turned ten. Seriously, where did that time go?!?!?

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